Find Your Voter District and Congress Representatives' Positions on Climate Change
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First of all, the climate hasn't warmed in quite a few years. That is proven scientifically. - past statement, Ron JohnsonTammy Baldwin also represents Wisconsin in the Senate. She is in favor of efforts to address climate change.
Unfortunately, President Trump refuses to believe climate change is occurring, questioning sound science and calling it a 'hoax.' Backing out of the Paris Agreement now and turning our back on the rest of the world after years of strong U.S. leadership is bad for our environment, bad for our economy and fails future generations. - Tammy Baldwin
I don't know the answer to that question. I don't think science does, either. Paul Ryan, on whether humans are causing climate change.
I believe we have a responsibility to protect resources like these for generations to come. I want to ensure that we pursue commonsense solutions that also safeguard jobs and the economy. I believe we can create opportunity, protect the environment, and address climate change at the same time. - Bryan Steil website
Global climate change is real. To reduce carbon emissions, we must hold China and India accountable. We also need a technology-based approach. The Paris Agreement fails to hold China and India accountable, making the Agreement unworkable. Heavy-handed federal regulations drive up energy costs. Instead, we must encourage technology developments to address climate change. - Bryan Steil
On this Earth Day I hope you will join me in carrying on the legacy of Wisconsin’s rich conservation heritage by helping to create a world in which everyone contributes their energy, knowledge and goodwill to safeguard our environment. This collective action and dedication is necessary if we hope to reverse the course of global climate change and address our other environmental challenges head-on. - Ron Kind, Wisconsin district 3 representative
I think that the science is inconclusive on this ... I personally believe that the solar flares are more responsible for climatic cycles than anything that human beings do and our lunar, our rovers on Mars have indicated that there has been a slight warming in the atmosphere of Mars and that certainly was not caused by the internal combustion engine. - Jim Sensenbrenner, past statement
Global warming is not man-made and there is barely any global warming at all. There's been no global warming for the last twelve or thirteen years. - Glenn Grothman
That was certainly one of the red flags for me. Trying to re-establish the science bureau is certainly a red flag for me, too. - Tom Tiffany quoted by Wisconsin State Journal, discussing proposed resumption of climate-change research
Disclaimer: The statements and comments about representatives positions are the opinion of the writer. We try to include accurate information and base the representative and candidate positions on a variety of reliable sources. Sources include reputable reporting on candidates' past statements, campaign websites, press coverage of campaigns and representatives, votes in Congress on issues, and party affiliation. If you feel we are missing something, let us know. Please contact us to suggest a correction or request an update. Individual representatives and districts are updated periodically, but may at times become outdated. These statements are opinions related to how the U.S. Congress is responding to a national security and public health issue, but should be treated as opinions.
See also: Disinformation on Climate Change is Staggering
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