High tide, downtown Miami, Forida in 2016. Photo by wikimedia user B137 via CC license



Our top scientific institutions, including the U.S. military, NASA, and NOAA all say pollution is causing our planet to get warmer. Still, false information designed to discredit climate science is actively promoted by organizations with ties to coal and oil. Many leaders in Congress are also spreading disinformation about the climate. While fossil fuel companies are generating enormous profits, we ultimately will bear the costs associated with extreme weather and rising sea levels. Representatives for Kentucky in the United States Congress have an important role in supporting efforts to solve the issue. Find your representatives and their positions on climate by using the form below.

Find Your Voter District and Congress Representatives' Positions on Climate Change

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Last District Updates 2021

United States Senate Senate

Rand Paul represents Kentucky as a senator. He has stood against regulations in Congress to address climate change and at times has questioned the conclusions of science. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky's other senator, has also stood against proposed regulations to address climate change. In the past, he has used the statement "I am not a scientist" when discussing climate change. More recently, Mitch McConnell has acknowledged that climate change is happening, and suggested Republicans have different views on what to do about it.
I do. The question is how do you address it. ... The way to do this consistent with American values and American capitalism is through technology and innovation ... not to shut down your economy, throw people out of work. - Mitch McConnell, regarding climate change, quoted in The Hill

U.S. House of Representatives, KY

Kentucky 1: James Comer has in the past represented this KY district with a view that questioned climate change. More recently, his statements seem to be shifting in a way that acknowledges climate change.
I do not believe in global warming. - previous statement by James Comer
I think we could have an EPA that works closely with the private sector. The private sector is going to have to play a huge role in any type of climate change policy in the future, and when [the Democrats'] whole focus is to attack the private sector and then the administration that is in charge of the EPA, you are not going to achieve anything. - James Comer, quoted in E&E News
Kentucky 2: While not outright denying climate change is happening, Brett Guthrie has represented Kentucky 2 with a position against regulating greenhouse gases, which he has in the past considered a "war on coal".
Climate change is a real and serious threat, but I do not believe that radical solutions proposed in the Democrats’ "Green New Deal" are the solution. - Brett Guthrie
Kentucky 3: John Yarmuth represents this district. He accepts climate change science and says he is for progress towards addressing the problem.
Kentucky 4: Incumbent Thomas Massie does not believe humans are causing climate change, and was on the BarackObama.com list of representatives in Congress blocking progress on addressing the issue. In a pretty funny if it wasn't not funny moment, Massie recently questioned John Kerry, and seemed to promote misleading pseudoscience while accusing Kerry of pushing pseudoscience.
Kentucky 5: Hal Rogers represents this district. His House website has attacked the EPA and indicated he is opposed to anti-coal policies.
Kentucky 6: Andy Barr has represented this district with the view that coal does cause climate change, but he has also stood against regulations to curb carbon emissions.

"Coal does contribute to climate change - Andy Barr"

"I have opposed at every turn the President's Climate Action Plan that would prevent the construction of new coal plants and gradually shutter existing facilities." - Andy Barr
To the extent that there are concerns about global warming, or climate change, our answer, our solution to that should always be unleashing the power of innovation, or science and technology, making sure we get the best and brightest on the question. - Andy Barr, quoted by Spectrum News 1

Disclaimer: The statements and comments about representatives positions are the opinion of the writer. We try to include accurate information and base the representative and candidate positions on a variety of reliable sources. Sources include reputable reporting on candidates' past statements, campaign websites, press coverage of campaigns and representatives, votes in Congress on issues, and party affiliation. If you feel we are missing something, let us know. Please contact us to suggest a correction or request an update. Individual representatives and districts are updated periodically, but may at times become outdated. These statements are opinions related to how the U.S. Congress is responding to a national security and public health issue, but should be treated as opinions.

See also: Disinformation on Climate Change is Staggering

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