High tide, downtown Miami, Forida in 2016. Photo by wikimedia user B137 via CC license



Our top scientific institutions, including the U.S. military, NASA, and NOAA all say pollution is causing our planet to get warmer. Still, false information designed to discredit climate science is actively promoted by organizations with ties to coal and oil. Many leaders in Congress are also spreading disinformation about the climate. While fossil fuel companies are generating enormous profits, we ultimately will bear the costs associated with extreme weather and rising sea levels. Representatives for Connecticut in the United States Congress have an important role in supporting efforts to solve the issue. Find your representatives and their positions on climate by using the form below.

Find Your Voter District and Congress Representatives' Positions on Climate Change

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United States Senate
Updated February 3, 2018
Christopher Murphy and Richard Blumenthal represent Connecticut as Senators. Both are for progress on addressing climate change.

Senator Richard Blumenthal is known as an advocate for environment preservation and taking measures to prevent climate change.
The science has spoken, and the debate is over. We are now left with the considerable task of crafting a fair, sensible system of curbing carbon emissions. - Chris Murphy
United States House of Representatives, Connecticut
1st District: John Larson is the incumbent; he is an advocate for taking measures to address climate change.
2nd District: Democratic incumbent Joe Courtney is for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
3rd District: Incumbent Rosa DeLauro is a supporter of efforts to address climate change.
4th District: Incumbent Jim Himes accepts climate science and is an advocate for solutions in Congress. He is being challenged by Republican Harry Arora.
Elizabeth Esty represents district 5 in Connecticut. She is a believer in the climate change problem and is also working to help Connecticut adapt to reduce its vulnerability to more extreme weather patterns. She faces Republican opposition in 2018.

Disclaimer: The statements and comments about representatives positions are the opinion of the writer. We try to include accurate information and base the representative and candidate positions on a variety of reliable sources. Sources include reputable reporting on candidates' past statements, campaign websites, press coverage of campaigns and representatives, votes in Congress on issues, and party affiliation. If you feel we are missing something, let us know. Please contact us to suggest a correction or request an update. Individual representatives and districts are updated periodically, but may at times become outdated. These statements are opinions related to how the U.S. Congress is responding to a national security and public health issue, but should be treated as opinions.

See also: Disinformation on Climate Change is Staggering

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