High tide, downtown Miami, Forida in 2016. Photo by wikimedia user B137 via CC license



Our top scientific institutions, including the U.S. military, NASA, and NOAA all say pollution is causing our planet to get warmer. Still, false information designed to discredit climate science is actively promoted by organizations with ties to coal and oil. Many leaders in Congress are also spreading disinformation about the climate. While fossil fuel companies are generating enormous profits, we ultimately will bear the costs associated with extreme weather and rising sea levels. Representatives for Alaska in the United States Congress have an important role in supporting efforts to solve the issue. Find your representatives and their positions on climate by using the form below.

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Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska is one of the Republicans who acknowledge that climate change is real. She has said she supports efforts to curb the global warming problem. She has said that "emissions must be reduced" and that solutions must be market-based.
"It doesn’t make sense to argue about how much global warming is caused by man — whether it's 5% or 50%. The best approach is to have a no-regrets policy". - Lisa Murkowski
As more renewables come online and the mix of baseload power changes, we must focus on maintaining grid reliability and resiliency. We also must keep energy affordable, while working to advance cleaner energy technologies that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. - Lisa Murkowski, Senate Website, 2019
(climate change in Alaska) is real, it is happening, it is now, and almost none of these changes are for the better for us. - Lisa Murkowski, quoted in EOS
Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska has in the past questioned climate change, claiming there is no consensus on what is causing it. Recently, he's supported resiliency measures, but Senator Dan Sullivan does not appear to support legislation that would adequately address the causes of climate change.
Alaska's House representative, Rep. Don Young, represents Alaska by questioning whether humans are causing climate change. He has called climate change a hoax in the past. As of 2021, his House website questions the causes of climate change, even while acknowledging its effects on Alaska. He has not supported adequate measures in Congress to address climate change.
Alaska is the focal point in the global warming debate. I do not challenge that climate change is occurring, but the central question awaiting an answer is to what extent man-made emissions are responsible for this change. Contrary to popular opinion, that question remains unanswered. Those who claim otherwise perpetrate a tremendous disservice to science and society, and I am shocked by the continued marginalization of any dissenters. Our state is witnessing the effects of climate change more so than any other state in the Nation. This has caused some in Congress to use Alaska as an example for the need to curb these effects. However, these proposals seek to legislate a solution to a problem we do not fully understand, and if enacted, could result in drastic consequences for our State's and Nation's energy, economy, and national security. - Rep. Don Young, House website, 2021

Disclaimer: The statements and comments about representatives positions are the opinion of the writer. We try to include accurate information and base the representative and candidate positions on a variety of reliable sources. Sources include reputable reporting on candidates' past statements, campaign websites, press coverage of campaigns and representatives, votes in Congress on issues, and party affiliation. If you feel we are missing something, let us know. Please contact us to suggest a correction or request an update. Individual representatives and districts are updated periodically, but may at times become outdated. These statements are opinions related to how the U.S. Congress is responding to a national security and public health issue, but should be treated as opinions.

See also: Disinformation on Climate Change is Staggering

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