High tide, downtown Miami, Forida in 2016. Photo by wikimedia user B137 via CC license


New Jersey

Our top scientific institutions, including the U.S. military, NASA, and NOAA all say pollution is causing our planet to get warmer. Still, false information designed to discredit climate science is actively promoted by organizations with ties to coal and oil. Many leaders in Congress are also spreading disinformation about the climate. While fossil fuel companies are generating enormous profits, we ultimately will bear the costs associated with extreme weather and rising sea levels. Representatives for New Jersey in the United States Congress have an important role in supporting efforts to solve the issue. Find your representatives and their positions on climate by using the form below.

Find Your Voter District and Congress Representatives' Positions on Climate Change

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United States Senate

Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey supports efforts to address climate change, as does his colleague, senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey.
Today is a sad day for our nation, and for our planet. With the stroke of his pen, President Trump is doing serious damage to nearly a decade of progress on one of the most defining – and important – issues of our time. Climate change is an urgent economic and national security challenge that is already beginning to have disastrous effects. Senator Cory Booker, on Trump's decisions to end climate change efforts
There is no time to waste to reduce greenhouse emissions and get our country back on track to aggressively address the growing threat posed by climate change. - Bob Menendez, Senate website
United States House of Representatives
Last District Updates 2021

District 1: Donald Norcross represents New Jersey 1. He has the support of the Sierra Club and stands with efforts to fight climate change.
District 2: In New Jersey 2, Jeff Van Drew represents the district by favoring efforts to fight climate change.
The people of South Jersey know that climate change is real and that it impacts their quality of life. - Jeff Van Drew
District 3: Andy Kim won the seat in district 3 in 2018 while supporting efforts to address climate. Previously, Tom MacArthur represented the district with a voting record against efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. His website said he opposed an "Obama-style cap and trade plan" and he favored fossil fuel production.
"Is it true that some scientists still deny climate change? Sure – they’re called 'petro-geologists' – but their motives are suspect." - Fred LaVergne - previous candidate, district 3
District 4: Chris Smith has backed legislation designed to move forward on the climate change problem. Chris Smith represents district 4 in New Jersey with an attempt to be Republican while supporting science, but his voting record is not 100% in support of action on climate, and when it comes to voting, he has stood against many measures to fight climate change.
As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I believe it is equally imperative that we address environmental issues—such as climate change—on a global scale. Global warming is a real threat and an increasing danger to our environment. All major greenhouse emitting countries need to cooperate in reducing and stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of these gases, and the United States must play a leadership role in bringing nations together for a global solution to climate change. - Chris Smith, House website
District 5: Josh Gottheimer won this seat in 2016, beating the former representative, Scott Garrett, who was against regulations to address climate change. Josh Gottheimer has the support of conservation groups and includes fighting climate change on his campaign issues.
"The real question that still exists in a lot of people's minds, experts and non-experts alike, on the area of global warming and what role the government should have in this realm. ... I've heard a number of experts on both sides of the equation on this issue and to me the evidence, the question is still out there." - Scott Garrett
District 6: Frank Pallone is an active supporter of climate change efforts, and has backed the global agreement in Paris and Obama's policies on energy. Frank Pallone includes fighting climate change as an official position in his office.
District 7: Tom Malinowski defeated Leonard Lance in 2018. Leonard Lance had been a letdown on climate. Tom Malinowski holds favorable views towards addressing climate change.
I want America to win the future. I want us to reap the economic benefits and the jobs that will go to whoever wins the race to a clean energy future. And how do our Republican colleagues propose to win that race? I've looked at their record in the years they controlled this House. I searched in vain for one Republican free market-based plan. What did I find? Nothing. Apart from a tax bill filled with giveaways to oil companies, and legislation to allow more oil drilling, to allow more methane emissions, to gut the Clean Air Act and to roll back the clean Power Plan. - Tom Malinowski, 2019
"I believe that climate change is real, and in the overwhelming scientific consensus that it is exacerbated by human activity. I support the Paris Climate Change Agreement and want the federal government to work with states to meet the voluntary commitments America made to reduce our emissions. I strongly oppose subsidies and other policies that artificially prop up fossil fuel industries, which hurt the environment and make no economic sense." - Tom Malinowski
District 8: Albio Sires represents district 8 with a position supporting efforts on climate change. He accepts the views of climate scientists.
District 9: Bill Pascrell represents district 9. He is a supporter of clean energy solutions and is on the record in support of efforts to fight climate change.
District 10: Donald Payne, Jr. represents district 10 with a stance supporting efforts to fight climate change and develop renewable energy.
District 11: Mikie Sherrill represents district 11 by supporting efforts to address climate. He won the seat in 2018.
Climate change is real and addressing it shouldn’t be a partisan issue. It’s an economic and national security issue that affects all of us. With 130 miles of coastline, New Jersey will pay a terrible price if we don’t take meaningful action to end our reliance on foreign fuels and transition to a clean energy economy. - Mikie Sherrill
"Do I believe in climate change? I do, yeah. With the weather patterns over the past five years. … What causes it? Quite honestly, I don’t know. … Humans have some effect on climate change. There’s so many factors." - Rodney Frelinghuysen, Previous representative, District 11, in 2011
"I recall being a young college student over 20 years ago first learning about the prospects of climate change. Our professors told us that if the use of fossil fuels and other man-made chemicals were not curtailed if not eclipsed entirely we would face Arctic ice melt, rising sea levels, intensive storms, extreme droughts and crop failures. It amazes me that despite being armed with this knowledge, our leaders in Washington did little to nothing to address these concerns. All of this and more has come true in the past 20 years." - Joseph Wenzel, 2016 candidate in district 11 in New Jersey
District 12: Bonnie Watson Coleman has the support of conservation groups and is a supporter of efforts to solve climate change in Congress.

Disclaimer: The statements and comments about representatives positions are the opinion of the writer. We try to include accurate information and base the representative and candidate positions on a variety of reliable sources. Sources include reputable reporting on candidates' past statements, campaign websites, press coverage of campaigns and representatives, votes in Congress on issues, and party affiliation. If you feel we are missing something, let us know. Please contact us to suggest a correction or request an update. Individual representatives and districts are updated periodically, but may at times become outdated. These statements are opinions related to how the U.S. Congress is responding to a national security and public health issue, but should be treated as opinions.

See also: Disinformation on Climate Change is Staggering

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