Efficient Living Tips

Environmental Discussions
Environmental Directory

Conserve Energy

Anytime you conserve energy you are contributing less to the greenhouse effect. Power companies burn coal and other fossil fuels to generate electricity. Cars emit toxins into the air. This type of energy consumption contributes to the global warming by releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

1.) Purchase energy efficient appliances when old appliances fail. Gas stoves, dryers, and water heaters are more efficient than electric.
2.) Use compact fluorescent lights - they not only save electricity, they last longer and save money in the long run. Don't leave lights on when it's not necessary.
3.) Encourage your local governments to discourage the excessive use of light by businesses in sprawling urban and suburban areas. Strip malls, parking lots, and office buildings that are lit-up all night not only waste energy, they are visually unappealing and pollute our view of the night sky.
4.) Buy a car that gets good gas mileage. When possible, ride a bus, walk, carpool or a bike. Encourage your government to provide public transportation that is clean (ie no diesel busses).
5.) Save hot water as much as possible. Use a low-pressure showerhead, wash clothes with warm or cold water, and wash dishes only when the dishwasher is full. Allowing clothes to dry on a line and dishes to dry in the air will conserve energy and save you money.
6.) Insulate your home well. Plant trees around your house. Trees that lose leaves in the winter allow the sun to heat you home when it is cold, and also have a cooling effect in the summer. Consider some passive solar techniques to keep your home comfortable without using energy.
7.) Consider using clean, alternative energies such as solar and wind power.
8.) Turn the stove or oven off a few minutes before you are done cooking.

Recycle and Produce Less Waste

1.) Encourage your local area to offer recycling if they do not already, and do it!
2.) Consider composting biodegradable waste such as yard trimmings, fruit peels and other biodegradable left-overs. Composting provides fertilizer for your yard and reduces the burden on landfills. You can also leave lawn trimmings on your lawn...it's good fertilizer and will keep it out of a landfill and spare you the use of a bag to throw it away in.
3.) Re-use grocery bags and or use cloth bags. Many stores give discounts for bringing you own.
4.) Purchase products with less packaging. Some foods, for example, can be purchased in bulk.

Water Preservation

1.) Runoff from developed areas contributes to pollution of our water. For example, when it rains water flows along streets collecting oil and other contaminates...these pollutants eventually end up in streams, lakes, and oceans. Vegetated, low-lying basins can help pollutants in this runoff from finding their way to the water supply. Creating low-lying areas with native plants in your yard can help absorb pollutants from your driveway and lawn.
2.) Dump used oil and other chemicals in approved places. Pouring them down sewers allows these pollutants to enter the water supply and sensitive water ecosystems.
3.) If you own a boat, dump your bilge water into approved containers and carry oil clean-up kits with you when boating. Tiny amounts of oil can be very damaging to plants, fish and animals that live in our lakes, rivers and oceans. By taking precautions to keep oil out of the water you can do your part to protect these resources.
4.) When landscaping, plant plants that are native to your area to reduce your watering needs and avoid needing to fertilize. If you do water your lawn, water late in the day to avoid evaporation during the hot hours.
5.) Get a front-loading washing machine - they use a fraction of the water and energy used by top loaders. Some say you can save up to $100.00 each year on energy bills.

Consume Less

1.) You don't need a bag for that toothpaste, do you?
2.) Avoid fast food. Especially until they learn to create healthy products, produce less paper waste, stop exploiting third world countries, and stop destroying rain forests.
3.) Do you really need a brand new car every 2 years? Save money; buy something reliable and maintain it well.
4.) America's consumption far exceeds the rest of the planet. Try to pay less attention to the lates furby crazes and think more about what you really need and want before you buy.

Make Your Home Energy Efficient

1.) Shade windows in summer, and open south-facing windows in winter. Planting trees that lose their leaves in winter in front of windows accomplishes this naturally.
2.) Insulate your home well. Seal doors and windows with weather stripping. Insulate your water heater and use low-flow faucets to conserve hot-water. An energy-efficient water heater can significatly reduce your energy bills.
3.) Use alternative energy. Consider generating your own solar or wind power. You can also sign-up to buy your power from green power producers such as Green Mountain Energy. Energy producers that rely on coal and oil are leading contributors to greenhouse gasses which contribute to global warming.

Plant some trees

Trees are good for the environment, good for well being, and good for property value. It's as simple as that.


Watch your politicians' voting records. Some of our representatives let businesses write their own environmental laws. Many companies and factories contribute heavily to pollution and environmental destruction at your expense, so vote green, and let your politicians know that you don't want brown air and polluted water.

Use natural cleaning products

Using less-toxic cleaning materials can do more than save you money. You can make your own good-smelling, effective cleaning solutions from basic household products. These cleaners cause less pollution to water and the air inside your house.


A variety of non-profit organizations are working to protect the environment and human well being. Consider donating to some! Your donation could make a difference. $50.00 can help save an acre of rainforest.

This list is not comprehensive. If you have a suggestion, e-mail it to us, and we will post it with your name and a web link, if desired.